

Business Finance

HR Bank Overdraft Facility for SME

HR Bank Overdraft Facility for SME was designed to provide you with swift and convenient access to additional liquidity.

HR Bank Overdraft Facility

HR Bank commercial credits can be utilized on a current account basis in the form of fixed advances or documentary credits and bank guarantees. As such, these lines of credit can be repaid at any time and without notification.

HR Bank Fixed Advance

The HR Bank fixed advance can be used to finance capital spending and working capital. The principal, the term and the rate of interest are fixed in advance for the entire duration of the advance.

HR Bank Libor Loan

HR Bank Libor Loans offer you a flexible and attractive solution for financing your investments without a fixed framework term.

HR Bank Fixed-Rate Loan

Used to finance capital spending over the medium to long term. The principal, any repayments, the term and the rate of interest are fixed in advance for the entire duration of the loan

HR Bank Overdraft Facility for SME

HR Bank Fixed Advance For Short-Term Investments

The HR Bank Fixed Advance provides you with an additional temporary liquidity reserve. It gives you more financial freedom and at the same time increases your entrepreneurial flexibility, allowing you to respond to market opportunities quickly and in a targeted manner.

Key points

Trade & Export Finance

Documentary Credits

Overview of Documentary Credits

Documentary Credits for Importers

For an importer, a documentary credit requires the importer to comply with the agreed conditions for payment is made.

Bank Guarantees

HR Bank guarantee is an effective way of securing performance and payment in an increasingly challenging business environment.

Export Finance

As a solution provider to world-wide exporters, HR Bank offers you individual financing solutions that optimally support the demands of your business.


D/C For Export

Risk & Financing


The Bank will endeavor to confirm the documentary credit at the request of the issuing bank. This ensures that you will receive payment when you comply with the requirements of the documentary credit irrespective of the issuing bank's willingness or ability to pay. Nor will you be affected if the country stops payments or other unforeseen problems arise.

Silent confirmation

Even if the issuing bank does not request the Bank to confirm the documentary credit, the Bank can usually offer you a silent confirmation. This puts you in exactly the same position as if the documentary credit had been confirmed. The only difference is that the issuing bank has not requested confirmation of the documentary credit.


If you have granted your buyer extended credit (deferred payment) but you would like payment immediately, the Bank will endeavor to discount the draft under the documentary credit at a competitive rate.


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Our employees take pride in their work as they are given due respectand by being empathetic and sensitive to each other’s needs